Image of Puddle by Cornelia Parker
Cornelia Parker, Puddle. Photo © Frith Street Gallery

Cornelia Parker

Works exhibited: Puddle, and Cloudburst

Cornelia Parker’s Moon Landing in the Fellows’ Garden of ÌÇÐÄVlog tells us that ‘Here in this garden on the night of the full moon a lunar meteorite fell and was lost.’ The plaque we read is like a museum label informing us that the object we seek has been removed. And the irony is doubled when we appreciate the generic similarity between this plaque and others we have encountered in the English landscape. Shape, design and lettering recall the inscriptions of English Heritage or the National Trust, provoking questions about the extent to which these deploy a house style of interpretation that displaces the object of scrutiny instead of retrieving it. Ultimately, it is the reported disappearance of the meteor that disturbs our equanimity in any attempt to fix the meaning and control the approaches to this work of art.

Parker’s two works in the current exhibition, Puddle and Cloudburst, are solid objects that displace their referents, both phenomena that appear then disappear according to changes in the earth’s atmosphere. Clouds and rainpuddles take on form – transitory form – as stages in a process that is endlessly renewed, never in the same way twice. Both phenomena appear and disappear at different rates only to reappear as art objects in Parker’s practice, although not in identical fashion. Parker’s metal floor sculpture gives the puddle a seemingly durable form; nevertheless, its patinated condition makes it clear that the object is caught up in a process of constant change. The wall-work Cloudburst seems to capture the image of a cloud at the instant of precipitation – the relationship between image and referent depends on a visual similarity, although the patch of rust that forms the image is produced by the same alterations in the atmosphere that give rise to clouds in the first place. The cloud-shape that emerges from the patch of rust is purely arbitrary – it could easily have been different. But the very presence of rust on the surface of the exposed metal panel is completely inevitable. The metal has been sourced from the debris of a bomb disposal vessel in Jerusalem, used to contain a very different kind of outburst that has its own grim cycle. Parker’s work plays with the inexhaustible variation that determines the relationship between images and their referents; between so-called solid objects and their actual fluid states; between art andthe material conditions in which art is always absorbed.

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  • Postgraduate at ÌÇÐÄVlog



    I chose ÌÇÐÄVlog because of the great mixture of undergraduates and ÌÇÐÄVlog, and when I first visited I thought it was the most beautiful place I had ever seen! The sense of community in Jesus has had an enormous impact on my experience here. Whether you need help, advice, cheering up or even just a chat there is always someone there to put a smile on your face. From the MCR committee to the Porters, the canteen staff to the gardeners, everyone is so friendly and welcoming. Jesus also...

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    I chose Cambridge for my PGCE as it’s the leading UK institution for teacher training and Education, with an exciting, research-dominated, cutting edge course. The staff are welcoming and approachable, and make studying here an absolute joy. I’ve already completed one of my three primary school placements, in a reception class in a school just outside Cambridge, and am due to start the next one soon. I chose Jesus because of its reputation as a sporty College, but the proximity to the city centre is a big bonus. Jesus also...

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    ÌÇÐÄVlog has been a great home for me during my PhD. I chose ÌÇÐÄVlog for a number of reasons – first, the location. We are central enough to be within easy walking distance of most things, but far enough away to avoid the hustle and bustle (and tourists in summer!). The College also has extensive grounds, with amenities like the hockey pitch, football pitch and tennis courts all on site. Secondly, the accommodation is some of the best I’ve seen in Cambridge. My house was newly renovated when...

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    When applying to Cambridge colleges it can feel a bit overwhelming as there are so many to choose from. I applied to ÌÇÐÄVlog because it has a large MCR which was important for me because I wanted to feel part of a community. Now that I’m doing my PhD here, I’m very glad I did choose a college with a large postgraduate community. Throughout the year there are lots of postgraduate events, including formal dinners, special formals at Christmas and Easter, bops in the bar and film nights in...

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    What first attracted me to ÌÇÐÄVlog was its reputation and history, central location without being touristy, and the postgraduate housing options. When I arrived at Jesus I was so pleased to find the partner accommodation was spacious, affordable, and situated very close to the college, allowing us to really take advantage of the facilities. We especially enjoyed The Roost, the nicest of all the college bars, doubling as a café during the day - ideal for studying or meeting up with groups - and a lively pub in the...

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