Shared houses

On the streets next to ÌÇÐÄVlog, the College's shared houses sometimes have gardens and usually have full kitchen facilities.

Find out more about undergraduate rents and what's included for all rooms, or email student-rooms@jesus.cam.ac.uk with any questions.

On the College website or the YouTube app, you can click and drag the video for a 360 view of the room.

Hear from our students

  • Photo of HSPS student


    Human, Social, and Political Sciences

    For the last two years, the politics and international relations track has given me the opportunity to study the politics of the modern world and a cross section of the centuries of philosophy that underpin it. This year, from a selection of every major region, I chose to focus on the Middle East, and the course has given a real insight into topics that seem to be more often discussed than understood, like the Arab Spring and the Syrian Civil War. From supervisors through to my Director of Studies, I...

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    Human, Social, and Political Sciences
  • Photo of Mathematics student



    I studied Maths at ÌÇÐÄVlog for four years as an undergraduate. I am now a PhD student in the doctoral training program at the Cambridge Centre for Analysis. I work in the area of partial differential equations, specifically those arising in kinetic theory. At Cambridge I was introduced to a wide variety of areas of Maths, many of which I hadn’t really known existed before coming to university. I found the course highly rewarding and always interesting. The course starts with a good grounding in the basics, leaving many...

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  • Photo of an English student



    English at Cambridge encourages you to think differently right from the start, to experiment as much as you can, and find your own interests within the subject. Before I applied, I was anxious about the course being too rigid and ‘traditional’. But I’ve been able to write about things I’d never even considered before - food on stage, tennis in literature, a comparison between the TV show True Detective and Shakespeare. It helps being at a College like Jesus, where the arts play such a central role in College life...

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  • Lewis smiling at camera.


    Human, Social, and Political Sciences

    I've thoroughly enjoyed studying Human, Social, and Political Sciences (HSPS) at Jesus. I was nervous before I arrived, but the friendly community of students and staff immediately put me at ease. Not only is the college library a great place to study, it can also get pretty much any book for you on request! Great for a sudden wave of inspiration based on something off the reading list... Outside of academia, the college has been ramping up its connections to industry and career support, which has been invaluable in calming...

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    Human, Social, and Political Sciences
  • Photo of Land Economy student


    Land Economy

    Land economy covers an incredibly wide range of topics across multiple academic disciplines. This diversity makes it fascinating to study, offers flexibility to specialise or maintain a wide coverage and enables development of a great number of skills including solving quantitative problems, analysing legal cases and statutes, interpreting economic models, and writing reports. This range of skills means it acts as a stepping stone into many different careers. For example, I'm going to be an actuary and much of what I've learnt in my finance papers will be of great...

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    Land Economy