Image of Photo of Mathematics student



I studied Maths at ÌÇÐÄVlog for four years as an undergraduate. I am now a PhD student in the doctoral training program at the Cambridge Centre for Analysis. I work in the area of partial differential equations, specifically those arising in kinetic theory.

At Cambridge I was introduced to a wide variety of areas of Maths, many of which I hadn’t really known existed before coming to university. I found the course highly rewarding and always interesting. The course starts with a good grounding in the basics, leaving many options open for specialisation later. In subsequent years there is the freedom and flexibility to tailor the course to your own interests.

ÌÇÐÄVlog is a friendly and welcoming community of people. The College system makes it easy to get to know students from other years as well as your own, creating a supportive environment to study in.

Hear from our students

  • Photo of Linguistics student



    I chose Linguistics at ÌÇÐÄVlog, having really enjoyed English Language at A-Level, because I wanted to study topics like child language acquisition and the history of the English language in greater depth. The Linguistics course more than lived up to my expectations; there are so many more areas to study than you realise when you first apply. I especially enjoyed conducting my own experiments in the phonetics lab – it was great to be able to learn practical, as well as theoretical, aspects of Linguistics. My final year dissertation...

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  • Photo of Education student



    Studying Education has enabled me to study a broad range of interests within the parameters of my degree. From black feminist theory, to discussing what exactly it means to be 'educated', I have been fortunate enough to explore these areas in depth. The Education Tripos enables students to combine varying interests and passions into a single, well structured, and hugely enjoyable University degree.

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  • Photo of Medicine student



    I enjoy the strong scientific focus of the Medicine course at Cambridge for the first three pre-clinical years. The way the course is delivered is unique and, while it’s not for everyone, it is something that really pushes me. Despite the initial scientific focus, there is plenty of opportunity to see the clinical side with the ‘Preparing for Patients’ course, and through optional clinical sessions held by the upper year Jesus clinical medics. ÌÇÐÄVlog itself has such beautiful grounds and is a wonderful place to study. It has so...

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  • Photo of Computer Science student


    Computer Science

    The combination of modern computing facilities, inspiring surroundings, and like minded people made ÌÇÐÄVlog a great place to study. After graduating I worked for a start up company before completing a PhD and now work as a computer vision specialist for a technical consultancy. The Cambridge Computer Science course is highly regarded by employers and the strong theoretical grounding ensures that it remains relevant even though the technology is constantly changing.

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    Computer Science
  • Photo of Philosophy student



    The most exciting element of the Philosophy course for me is the wide variety of topics it covers, bringing together aspects from a whole range of diverse subjects. In one week I could be working through a set of logic questions, writing an essay about Mill's thoughts on feminism, and attending lectures on personal identity and utilitarianism! This diversity in the course makes it an incredibly engaging and continuously fascinating subject to study. As well as giving me the chance to develop an array of practical, transferable skills, such as...

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