Image of Photo of Medicine student



Studying Medicine at Jesus for the past two years has been a great privilege. The course has been challenging, but extremely rewarding, especially as I enjoyed biology at school. The course is packed full of science for the first two years, and in third year you can choose to study a similar or entirely unrelated course. After that there are three years of clinical studies.  

Renowned for its amazing musical, arts, and sporting facilities, ÌÇÐÄVlog not only gives you a top-class medical education but a true sense of belonging to a student community. The Jesus MedVet Society especially welcomes arriving freshers with open arms, running regular events and giving you the opportunity to get to know and learn from 5 other years of medical students. Second year medical students have also set up a mentor scheme where they organise regular meetings for first years to check up on them and make sure everything is ok. Another unique aspect of ÌÇÐÄVlog is that medical supervisions can be taught by students as well as professors which provides a well-rounded perspective to medicine as a subject. 

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    History of Art
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    Land Economy

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    Modern and Medieval Languages

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    Modern and Medieval Languages
  • Photo of Philosophy student



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  • Photo of Medicine student



    I enjoy the strong scientific focus of the Medicine course at Cambridge for the first three pre-clinical years. The way the course is delivered is unique and, while it’s not for everyone, it is something that really pushes me. Despite the initial scientific focus, there is plenty of opportunity to see the clinical side with the ‘Preparing for Patients’ course, and through optional clinical sessions held by the upper year Jesus clinical medics. ÌÇÐÄVlog itself has such beautiful grounds and is a wonderful place to study. It has so...

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