Image of Photo of an Education student



The best element of this course is its multidisciplinary approach to the study of education, and the incorporation of other subject areas. The incredible diversity of a week’s lectures has challenged me to think holistically and to write with versatility. As someone with very wide interests, I have thoroughly enjoyed the breadth of subjects spanned on the course, and it has allowed me to find areas of particular interest in which to specialise in my final year.

The drama papers are excitingly full of potential to work with your course mates on practical projects, exploring with freedom any areas of theatrical interest you might have. These group production opportunities that I have been involved with, and also the small group supervisions that are part of the written papers, have encouraged me to engage critically with my own experiences of education and upbringing, in relation to those of other people on a local, national, and global scale.

Hear from our students

  • Photo of Materials science student


    Natural Sciences (Physical)

    Studying a science option within the Natural Sciences Tripos provides an excellent opportunity to achieve a solid grounding in the core physical or biological sciences, as well as exploring new or different options that you may not have encountered at school. I have just finished my third year specialising in Materials Science at Jesus after studying Physics and Chemistry for the first two years. The ability to experience different options and tailor my direction of study especially appealed to me as I did not know what I wanted to specialise...

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    Natural Sciences (Physical)
  • Photo of Mathematics student



    I studied Maths at ÌÇÐÄVlog for four years as an undergraduate. I am now a PhD student in the doctoral training program at the Cambridge Centre for Analysis. I work in the area of partial differential equations, specifically those arising in kinetic theory. At Cambridge I was introduced to a wide variety of areas of Maths, many of which I hadn’t really known existed before coming to university. I found the course highly rewarding and always interesting. The course starts with a good grounding in the basics, leaving many...

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  • Photo of student



    I chose to study Engineering at Cambridge because I really enjoyed the subjects that I studied at A-level (Maths, Further Maths, Physics, Economics), and I liked the practical side of the Engineering course at Cambridge. The Cambridge course differs from other Universities as you are taught General Engineering for the first two years, after which you specialise into your chosen branch of Engineering. This attracted me to the course as it means that you get a basic understanding of all types of engineering (Mechanical, Structural, Electrical etc) before having to...

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  • Photo of Law student



    Studying Law at Jesus has been one of the most intellectually challenging and rewarding experiences of my life. The course enables you to explore and critically engage with various aspects of the law, whilst developing both abstract thinking and practical problem solving skills. The supervisors and facilities at Jesus foster a friendly and stimulating environment which makes for interesting academic discussion and learning.

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  • Photo of Chemical Engineering student


    Chemical Engineering

    I chose to study Chemical Engineering at ÌÇÐÄVlog, mainly because I thoroughly enjoyed the subjects that I studied at A-Level (Maths, Further Maths, Chemistry, and Physics). The course was a natural combination of everything that I’d studied so far, and I’d decided that I wanted a practical career within industry. The course at Cambridge is different to the course at many other universities across the country; rather than immediately studying Chemical Engineering, you choose to study either General Engineering or Natural Sciences in your first year. You’re taught and...

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    Chemical Engineering